Sunday, 22 November 2015

Culturally Responsive Teaching

Culturally Responsive Teaching

Issues in education (both in teaching and administration) relating to diversity in socioeconomic status, race, general ability, etc. With each article, we are to write a review over it. Very little of it, maybe half a page, needs to be a summary of the article. The majority of the review needs to be how that article relates to “our experience” (this is a practicum course in which we are spending 100 clock hours with an administrator at a school). So, how does the article relate to my administrator observation experience. I am a 5th grade teacher at an elementary school and am observing the school’s assistant principal. Obviously, I will need the link to the article to be listed at the end of each review as the source. I need three different articles and one review for each article. Each article review needs to be, per professor, “4-5 pages”.

Culturally Responsive Teaching

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