AD Nursing: Mental Health Nursing
Debate Directions and Rubric
105 points
For this project you will be assigned to a group and each group will be given a topic of debate. Faculty will assign whether your group will be the “pro” or “con”
side in the debate. In addition to working with your group on the project, you will also write a one to two page paper. You will be graded on your paper, and
the presentation of your group and individual work in a debate that will be held on campus. Guests may be invited to attend the debate.
1. Faculty will assign groups, the topic to each group and the stance of the group- pro or con.
a. Family members should not be involved in a mental patient’s diagnosis (i am speaking for the motion that family members should not know the diagnosis of the patient considering the law of patient’s confidentiality; hint use HIPAA- HEALTH INFORMATION PORTABLE ACT)
2. Students will work in their groups to prepare for the debate.
a. During the debate your group will be expected to professionally and respectfully defend your side.
b. Each group should be prepared to defend the assigned stance by having a thorough understanding of both sides in the debate and by
referencing evidence based or peer reviewed resources in support of the arguments made during the debate.
c. See the rubric below for grading criteria for both the group and individual.
3. Each student will prepare and submit an individual paper on the topic and stance assigned to their group.
a. The paper is due one week prior to the group’s scheduled debate.
b. The paper must be a minimum of two pages, excluding the title and reference page.
c. You must include at least one evidence-based or peer reviewed resource to support your work.
d. The resource must be within the past five (5) years, you must have approval from faculty to use references older than five (5) years.
e. You must follow APA guidelines.
f. See the grading rubric below for criteria that must be included in your paper.
ebate Grading Rubric
105 Points
Part A: Individual Grade- 45 Points
a. Paper
b. Individual participation
Points Possible Points
0 5 10 15 Earned
1. Group topic and stance (pro or con) are
thoroughly described:
a. Presents both sides of the argument
in a professional, non-judgmental
b. Discusses key elements of the topic,
including patient rights.
c. Includes the nursing role of patient
2. Analysis of the topic and opposed sides
demonstrates insight, sound judgment
and critical thinking.
3. Appropriate use of a resource to defend
No assignment
submitted after late
assignment grading
policy period; one
component is not
addressed, and/or
more than one
component lacks
clarity, detail or
Discussion lacked
clarity, detail or
depth for one
component, and/or
the tone is nonprofessional
Discussion included
all components: one
area lacks minor
details and clarity.
Discussion clearly
articulates all the
insight, judgment
and critical thinking
by presenting both
sides of the topic,
including key
elements, and role of
the nurse, and uses
an appropriate
supporting resource
while maintaining a
professional and
nonjudgmental tone.
1. Includes at least one evidence-based or
peer reviewed resource.
2. Resource dated within the past five (5)
years or approval from faculty obtained.
3. Length of paper is a minimum of two (2)
pages excluding title and reference
4. APA guidelines followed.
No assignment
submitted after late
assignment grading
policy period; more
than six APA errors,
and/or one
component is not
Six or fewer APA
errors, remaining
components met.
Three or fewer APA
errors, remaining
components met.
No APA errors,
components met.
Individual Participation in the Debate
1. Active and substantive involvement in
team presentation.
a. Ideas and opinions are
communicated clearly and without
b. Supports the group to meet goals
through assigned role.
Scant or no
participation in the
assigned role; does
not maintain
professional and
appropriate tone,
mannerisms and eye
Minimal participation
in the assigned role
with several missed
opportunities for
respectfully and
professionally while
Participates in the
assigned role with
few missed
opportunities for
respectfully and
professionally while
All components are
met: actively and
participates in
assigned role by
clearly in a respectful
and professional
manner using tone,
2. Interactions are respectful and
professional in manner.
3. Tone of voice, mannerisms and eye
contact support effective
communication of the information.
4. Supports the team timeline and
responsibilities by arriving prepared to
participate in the debate.
contact are do not
support effective
communication, is
not prepared for the
appropriate tone,
mannerisms and eye
contact some of the
time, arrives
prepared for the
appropriate tone,
mannerisms and eye
contact most of the
time, arrives
prepared for the
mannerisms and eye
contact to support
arrives prepared for
the debate.
Section A Score
Part B: Debate- 60 Points
Group Score- everyone in the group receives
this score.
Points Possible Points
0 9 14 20 Earned
1. Arrives at debate on time and prepared
to defend the topic and stance.
2. Individual member roles assigned and
evident during the debate.
3. Demonstrates teamwork through the
ability to support each other, work
within assigned roles and formulate
rebuttals and statements together.
Does not attend
debate, lacks
preparation, no
defined roles,
unable to show
support for
members, or does
not function as a
Arrives late, ill
prepared, or minimal
evidence of roles and
teamwork is evident.
Arrives on time,
mostly prepared,
evidence of
teamwork and
assigned roles
through most of the
All components met:
arrives on time,
prepared with roles
for members and
teamwork is clearly
throughout the
Use of Argument/ Rebuttal
1. Clear and articulate reasons are
provided to support the resolution.
2. Defends through factual information.
3. Identifies weakness in opposing group’s
4. Presents rebuttals using clear
statements and supporting resources.
5. Citation of reference(s) during the
debate is presented in a logical manner.
6. Resource is appropriate, peer reviewed
or evidence based and within the five
(5) year limit or faculty permission
Does not attend
debate; Group
presents disjointed
or unidentifiable
arguments and
rebuttals; lacks
supporting facts and
resources; resource
does not meet
Group presents
arguments and
rebuttals that lack
detail, are unclear or
have minimal
adequate supporting
facts and resources;
resource meets
Group identifies
arguments and
presents rebuttals,
few details lacking,
uses facts that are
supported with
resources, resource
meets requirements.
All components are
met: Group clearly
arguments and
rebuttals using facts
that are supported
with appropriate
resources, resource
meets requirements.
Presentation Style
1. Group consistently displays professional,
Does not attend
debate; group does
not consistently
Group consistently
displays professional,
respectful behavior;
Group consistently
displays professional,
respectful behavior;
All components met:
Group displays
respectful behavior.
2. Differentiates salient points and move
coherently from one point to another.
3. Group kept audience attention by
responding quickly and to the opposing
side, speaking understandably and
clearly and avoiding repeated phrases or
irrelevant information.
display professional
or respectful
behavior; salient
points are not
identified and there
no flow of ideas;
audience’s attention
was greatly affected
by ineffective
dialogue, long
pauses, and overall
several salient points
missed, there is some
flow of ideas;
audience’s attention
was affected by
pauses in dialogue,
unclear speech and
some repeated
phrases or irrelevant
identifies most
salient points and
there is flow of ideas;
mostly kept
audience’s attention
with few pauses in
dialogue, speaking
clearly and avoided
repeated phrases
and irrelevant
respectful behavior,
and clearly identifies
salient points that
support the flow of
ideas consistently
throughout the
debate; kept
audience’s attention
through quick
responses, avoidance
of repeated phrases
and irrelevant
information and
speaking clearly.
Section B Score
Total Section A and B
AD Nursing: Mental Health Nursing Homework Assignment
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